Creighton’s Spasticity Story

Creighton has Cerebral Palsy with spasticity. He was evaluated by Dr. Sun, when he was four years old and it was determined that he might be a good candidate for a surgery called selective dorsal rhizotomy. This surgery can help to reduce Creighton’s spasticity. When he was older, Creighton had the surgery which was performed by Dr. Sun and his colleagues at Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland. This highly technical procedure cuts very specific nerves in Creighton's legs which are responsible for the spasticity. Our hospital is one of a very few medical centers in the country that performs selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery. The procedure was developed by our spasticity consultant and world renowned surgeon, Dr. Warwick Peacock. The Peacock Center for Cerebral Palsy and Movement Disorders is named in honor of his work.

Fourteen months after surgery, Creighton has shown marked improvement and has become much more independent in his daily life. His mother now believes that it he will someday  " walk into a job interview and walk down the aisle on his wedding day."